Golden's Spirits Return!

This ain’t your granddaddy’s ghost tour!

Denver has its share of ghosts and ghosts tours, but what about historic Old Golden Golden City, just sitting there, waiting to tell its story? From the gold rush era through prohibition and beyond, Golden’s ghosts have been lingering around the parks, streets, and old buildings, waiting to tell their tale…to YOU!

Your professional, experienced tour guide will meet you at Goosetown Station for a libation (included in your ticket price), then they’ll take you out into the gulches and streets of Golden in search of those who refuse to rest. When those spirits are so parched from a night of haunting, and the veil between worlds grows thin enough, they like to indulge in some of those mortal libations as well. You’re invited to join us after the tour at the Buffalo Rose to see if they do indeed have a thirst for fun.

Ever wonder why The Brick Room feels drafty? Or hear someone walking along the floor in the empty room in Goosetown Station? Maybe someone peeked out at you from a window in the Astor House? Is Adolph Coors still lingering around his brewery? Well, why don’t you ask him yourself!

Golden is riddled with history, and the energy that went into creating this town hasn’t been lost, it’s just been waiting for the right people to discover it. Are you one of those people?

Skip the crowds in Denver this Halloween season, and come on out to where the west lives…or at least used to! Our Golden Ghosts & Spirits tour is taking a back seat to The Talking Dead throughout October, so get your tickets now before they’re lost forever!


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